Acceptable Use Policy

The KcloudX Acceptable Use Policy has been developed with the following objectives:

  • Ensure security, reliability and privacy of KcloudX' systems and network, and the networks and systems of others.
  • Maintain the image and reputation of KcloudX as a responsible provider.
  • Preserve the value of Internet resources as a conduit for free expression.
  • Encourage the responsible use of net resources and discourage practices which degrade the usability of network resources and thus the value of Internet services.
  • Avoid situations that may cause KcloudX to incur civil liability.
  • Preserve the privacy and security of individual users.

We expect our Customers to use the Internet with courtesy and responsibility and to be familiar with and to practice good Internet etiquette. By adhering to the following policies, our Customers are protecting the rights and privileges of all Internet users. Violation of any of the following policies is strictly prohibited and will result in:

  • Immediate termination of all accounts
  • Immediate suspension of websites
  • Immediate suspension of related scripts
  • Notification of suspected of illegal activities to the relevant authorities e.g. the Police and / or the Internet Watch Foundation
  • Impose fines

General Conduct

  1. Customers are prohibited from transmitting on or through any of KcloudX' services, any material that is, in KcloudX' sole discretion, unlawful, threatening, abusive, libellous, or encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any local, state, national or international law, statute or regulation.
  2. KcloudX' services may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission, distribution, or storage of any information, data or material in violation of Ireland and the country where servers located regulation or law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret, or any other statute. KcloudX reserves the right to remove such illegal material from its servers.
  3. Customers may not engage in tortuous conduct including, but not limited to, posting of defamatory, scandalous, or private information about a person without their consent, intentionally inflicting emotional distress, or making physical threats against another person via email, news, or any other electronic media/service we provide.
  4. The Customer is responsible for providing and maintaining accurate and up-to-date billing information. Furnishing false data on the signup form, contract, or online application, including fraudulent use of credit card numbers, is grounds for immediate termination, and may subject the offender to civil or criminal liability.

System and Network Usage


  1. Customers may not attempt to circumvent user authentication or security of any host, network, or account ("cracking"). This includes, but is not limited to, accessing data not intended for the Customer, logging into an account the Customer is not expressly authorized to access, or probing the security of other networks.
  2. Customers may not attempt to interfere with service to any user, host, or network ("denial of service attacks"). This includes, but is not limited to, "flooding" of networks, deliberate attempts to overload a service, and attempts to "crash" a host.
  3. Customers may not use any kind of program/script/command, or send messages of any kind, designed to interfere with a user's terminal session, via any means, locally or by the Internet.
  4. Customers must safeguard their account passwords to prevent unauthorized access to their account.
  5. Users who violate systems or network security may incur criminal or civil liability. KcloudX will cooperate fully with investigations of violations of systems or network security at other sites, including cooperating with law enforcement authorities in the investigation of suspected criminal violations.
  6. KcloudX Reserve the right to access servers/accounts within their network if they believe the terms and conditions of use are not being followed.
  7. Bit Torrent software and P2P protocol software is not permitted on our network.


  1. Harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages, is prohibited.
  2. Customers may not send email to any person who does not wish to receive it. If a recipient asks to stop receiving email, the Customer must not send that person any further email.
  3. Customers are explicitly prohibited from sending unsolicited bulk mail messages ("junk mail" or "spam"). This includes, but is not limited to, bulk-mailing of commercial advertising, informational announcements, and political tracts. Such material may only be sent to those who have explicitly requested it.
  4. Customers may not forward or otherwise propagate chain letters, whether or not the recipient wishes to receive such mailings.
  5. Malicious email, including but not limited to "mail bombing" (flooding a user or site with very large or numerous pieces of email) and "trolling" (posting outrageous messages to generate numerous responses) is prohibited.
  6. Forging of header or any other information is not permitted.
  7. Subscribing someone else to a mail list or removing someone else from a mail list without that person's permission is prohibited.
  8. KcloudX accounts or services may not be used to collect replies to messages sent from another Internet Service Provider, where those messages violate this Usage Policy or the usage policy of that other provider.
  9. These rules apply to other types of Internet-based distribution mediums as well.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

  1. KcloudX is not liable for the content of any communications made on IRC.
  2. IRC robots ("bots" or "clones") or IRC sessions may not be run from KcloudX' server accounts.
  3. Customers may not attempt to impersonate others or use IRC anonymously by disguising their hostname or username.
  4. Customers are prohibited from using IRC scripts or programs that interfere with or deny service to other users on any server or host. Customers are also prohibited from engaging in activities which harass other users. This includes, but is not limited to, "flooding" (rapidly entering text with the intent to fill the screens of others), "flashing" (disrupting terminal emulation), "takeovers" (forcibly seizing operator privileges), attempting to send private messages to those who do not wish to see them (via "ignore"), attempting to return to a channel after being banned from it, and other disruptive behaviours.

Material and Product Requirements

  1. Customers must ensure that all material and data placed on KcloudX' equipment is in a condition that is "server-ready," which is in a form requiring no additional manipulation on KcloudX' part. We shall make no effort to validate this information for content, correctness or usability. In the event that the Customer's material is not "server-ready", we have the option at any time to reject this material. KcloudX will notify the Customer immediately of its refusal of the material and afford the Customer the opportunity to amend or modify the material to satisfy the needs and/or requirements of KcloudX.
  2. Use of KcloudX' service requires a certain level of knowledge in the use of Internet languages, protocols, and software. This level of knowledge varies depending on the anticipated use and desired content of the Customer's Web space. Customers must have the necessary knowledge to create and maintain a Web space. It is not the responsibility of KcloudX to provide this knowledge or customer support outside of the service defined in the Service Agreement.
  3. Unacceptable Materials:
    • AutoSurf/PTC/PTS/PPC Sites
    • IP Scanners
    • Bruteforce Programs/Scripts/Applications
    • Mail Bombers/Spam Scripts
    • High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or Related Sites
    • Hacker focused sites/archives/programs
    • Fraudulent Sites (Including, but not limited to sites listed at &
    • Bitcoin Miners
    • Bandwidth Miners ("Liu Liang Kuang" in Chinese)
  4. Legal adult content is allowed. Adult content must be hosted on web hosting with dedicated IP, cloud servers, VPS or dedicated servers. Illegal adult content, including but not limited to child pornography and zoo pornography, is strictly prohibited. Any hosting against this term will be suspended immediately without notice.
  5. Legal lottery/gambling sites are allowed. Lottery/gambling sites must be hosted on web hosting with dedicated IP, cloud servers, VPS or dedicated servers. Customers should be granted the necessary permissions by license, permit, registration, or exemption, as provided by the law. If the site doesn't have necessary license, then the customer needs to ensure that nothing illegal is operated from the account. Any hosting against this term will be suspended immediately without notice.

Resource Usage

  1. Top-level domain
  • Please follow the laws of the country where the product server is located when using the domain name..
  • For domain name registration, please try to use real information, so as to avoid the use of virtual information to delete the result of the domain name, this site does not take any responsibility.
  • For domain name registration, please avoid keywords related to trademarks as much as possible. This site is not responsible for the result of the domain name being retracted by the registry by arbitration.
  • Others use domain names, engage in some illegal activities (such as infringement, phishing, etc.), the result of being frozen or deleted by the registrar, this site does not take any responsibility.
  • PUSH within the domain name site, transfer out is prohibited within 60 days.
  • Please do not register the domain name of "private server, or phishing game website", because this site cannot provide DNS resolution service for this kind of domain name. If members insist on registering, please use third-party DNS for resolution and insist on using the behavior of on-site DNS resolution. This site does not take any responsibility for the deletion of domain name resolution.
  1. Shared Web Hosting
  • DirectAdmint package restrictions can be viewed on the panel.
  • Customers may not run cron entries with intervals of less than 15 minutes.
  • Customers may not run any type of web spider or indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy) on shared servers.
  • We do not allow to run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the shared servers. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD, Any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
  • We do not allow following scripts with known security issue. UltimateBBS (all versions), Ikonboard (all versions), IRC Egg Drops, Proxy Servers, nph-proxy, The Anonymizer, any soap mailers, CGI-telnet or script that opens a shell session with the server.
  • We do not allow file dump/mirror scripts (similar to rapidshare) or image hosting scripts (similar to Photobucket or Tinypic) on shared servers.
  • Banner-ad services (commercial banner ad rotation), audio streaming, video streaming and game hosting are prohibited on shared servers.
  • Hosting space is limited to web files, active e-mail and content of the hosted websites, not for storage (whether of media, e-mails, or other data). Hosting space further may not be used as offsite storage of electronic files, e-mail or FTP hosts. Customers may not use any shared account for sharing files or storing backup.
  • In Asia-Pacific East (Hong Kong) datacenter, the distribution of MP3s, Music Files, Video Files, Softwares or any other type of files which require the usage of an inordinately high amount of bandwidth is strictly prohibited.
  • Accounts with an excessive number of MySQL/MariaDB tables (i.e., in excess of 1000 database tables) or of database size (i.e., in excess of 3GB total MySQL/MariaDB usage or 2GB MySQL/MariaDB usage in a single database) negatively affect the performance of the server. KcloudX may request that a customer’s number of database tables, or database usage be reduced to ensure the proper performance of the services.
  • The automatic backup of shared web hosting services contains backups of the system configuration, emails, databases, website scripts and images. Compressed files or files that against the Acceptable Use Policy will be excluded from backup, such files include but are not limited to, tar, tar.gz, gz, zip, rar, iso and exe files. Hosting accounts use more than 30GB disk space are also not included in the automatic backup.
  • The free subdomains of the following domains provided by KcloudX cannot be used for websites containing adult content, gambling, game plug-ins, political or religious content, VPN/proxy:,,,, ,, Any hosting account against this term will be suspended immediately without notice, and the account will not be allowed to use any free subdomains provided by KcloudX.
  1. VPS (Virtual Private Server) and Cloud Servers
  • We do not allow any misuse of system resources, including but not limited to employing programs that consume excessive network capacity, CPU cycles, or disk IO.
  • Considering the exhaustion of IPv4 address resource, commercial and public VPN/anonymous proxy service for China is prohibited. We may charge additional fee for IP change or refuse assigning new IP’s if a customer violates this term.
  1. Dedicated Servers
  • Considering the exhaustion of IPv4 address resource, commercial and public VPN/anonymous proxy service for China is prohibited. We may charge additional fee for IP change or refuse assigning new IP’s if a customer violates this term.

About renewals

  1. We will send a new renewal bill to the user's registered email 3-5 days prior to the expiration of the Services, and if you do not renew on the date of expiration, we reserve the right to close the Services without notice.
  2. If no payment or renewal is made for more than 48 hours, we reserve the right to permanently delete all data from the Service.

Refund policy

  1. All KcloudX station hosts accept unconditional refunds within 3 days of purchase. VPS accepts unconditional full refunds within 12 hours of purchase, KcloudX Specials, domain name registration, independent server rentals do not accept unconditional full refund requests, and we need to contact us as required.
  2. We do not provide withdrawal services by default for top-up amounts. For special cases, please contact us.

The Usage Policy defines the actions which KcloudX considers to be abusive, and thus, strictly prohibited. The examples set forth in this policy are non-exclusive, and are provided solely for guidance to customers. If you are unsure whether any contemplated use or activity is prohibited, please use our online forms and we will assist you. Please note that the activities set forth above are also not permitted from other Internet Service Providers on behalf of, or to advertise, any service hosted by KcloudX, or connected via our network. Furthermore, such services may not be advertised via deceptive marketing policies. KcloudX must further limit any exceptions made to the Usage Policy as secondary in regards to server and networks security, performance and integrity. Any user, regardless of exception status, may have his or her service disabled if it is interfering with our servers or network.